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Motherhood Uncensored: What Mom’s Really Want For Mother’s Day


It’s almost that time again. Yes, Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and you might be wondering what do moms really want for Mother’s Day?

We should be appreciating our moms every day of the year but we just get used to everything our moms do for us that we forget to appreciate and thank them for all their efforts day in and day out.

That’s why it’s nice that there’s a day dedicated to our super women.

You might be thinking about splurging on all kinds of awesome stuff (and go ahead and do that too because why not) but I’m here to spill the tea.

Here’s my confessions of life as a new mom and what I really want this Mother’s Day.

I’m sure all or most over-worked and over-tired mums everywhere can relate. 

Here’s my list of 10 things to make this Mother’s Day perfect (and it doesn’t even have to cost a thing).

What Do Mom’s Really Want for Mother’s Day?

Don’t Wake Me Till NOON!

mom and baby sleeping

So, yes, they did warn me that I wouldn’t be sleeping much with a newborn, but they didn’t tell me I wouldn’t sleep again, period.

I haven’t had a day to just sleep in til noon and have nothing else to worry about since my little bug was born.

I miss this simple pleasure sooo much.

There’s nothing quite like a good sleep to help you reset.

It seems so indulgent and decadent right now lol. So treat mom to a day of undisturbed, uninterrupted sleep.

Get her a sleep mask and ear plugs if you must. 

UPDATE: If you’re a new mom- there is light at the end of the tunnel and we’re all sleeping just fine now! Sanity restored! You might want to check out my baby sleep tips if you’re having trouble.

But I’ll still take that undisturbed sleep, please and thank you!

Feed Me All Day!

mom having breakfast in bed

I would love a day where I don’t have to think about cooking or feeding anyone. If you can cook, surprise mum with a lovely breakfast-in-bed featuring all her favourties.

If you can’t cook, either order something in (with your fav delivery app- we love SkipTheDishes or UberEasts) or take her out to brunch.

It’s so nice to start your morning in bed though, so even if you can’t cook, why not bring mom a nice cup of tea or coffee in bed and her favorite book or magazine?

I bet it’s been a while since she’s been able to finish a cup of coffee while it’s still hot.

Make her feel taken care of for a change. 

You can even give it to her in a BEST MOM EVER mug!

This should be a sacred day of feeding.

There should be no cooking for mom for any meals today.

Breakfast/brunch/lunch/dinner and everything in-between should be taken care of for mom and the kids. So either order in or take out or cook but it shouldn’t be mom’s problem today. 

Give Mom Uninterrupted Me-Time

mom having me time reading a book

By this, I don’t just mean 5 minutes where I can pee in peace without little fingers reaching through the crack at the bottom of the door (although this is a nice touch).

Give mom a little peace and quiet without the kids to just do whatever it is she loves to do but has no time for anymore.

Maybe just an hour where she can kick up her feet with her favourite book (or maybe a new Kindle and with a trial of Kindle Ulimited), go take a walk, catch up on her favourite TV show or literally just sit and do nothing.

It’s been so long since I’ve just done nothing. 

Pamper Mom

mom having a day at the spa for mother's day

I think one of the first things to go when you become a new mom is self-care. Especially in the first year, there’s a lot to do and a lot to learn, I was lucky if I could get a shower in.

These days things have gotten better with my little guy being a bit older, but it’s still not what it used to be.

Your mom has probably neglected herself as well. Treat her to some pampering and TLC either at home or with a spa day.

If you’re on a tight budget you could give mom an at-home mani-pedi with her favourtie nail polish and grab an awesome face mask and offer her a nice massage.


Create a little self- care package that she can dip into whenever she has some time:

Electric Nail Filing Kit

Nail Polish Set

Facial Sheet Maks

Ultra Plus Bath Robe

You can find my full Mother’s Day Gift Guide here for more ideas!

If you can go all out, book a nice spa day for mom (mani-pedi,facial, massage etc) and if possible, make it even more memorable, try to co-ordinate the spa-day with her besties so they can all have a little me-time together. 

If you’re stuck at home righ now because things are crazy, a home spa day is perfect and you can have her connect with her besties via Facetime, Whatsapp Video Calling or a Zoom Conference call.

RELATED POST: What Happened to My Post Baby Style After A Day With A Stylist

Shower Mom With LOVE

mom kissing son

Just because we want a little me-time, it doesn’t mean we don’t want you there. I still want all the bear hugs, wrestling moves, face-smash kisses, home-made cards and everything in-between today and all days.

Make sure to give me loads extra today though, I can’t get enough. Make sure you shower your mom with affection in all forms.

Give her a hug or a kiss. Write her a letter. Make her a card. Tell her all the ways she makes your life better by being in it.

Make her a list of all the things you love about her. Make her a playlist, sing her a song, anything really.

Just show her how much you love her today and every day.

Give Mom a Day Off From Adulting

mom cleaning the kitchen and mopping

Adulting is hard!

Add taking care of a tiny human and sometimes you can feel like you’re in way over your head with all the responsibilities.

Give mom a hall pass today, no mom duties or adulting of any kind. So make sure somebody else is taking care of the cleaning, laundry, child care etc.

It’s supposed to be mom’s day off so I would love more than 5 minutes where I have to hide in the bathroom and stuff my face with skittles just to have a moment of relaxation. 

RELATED POST: How To Avoid Burnout as A Mom and Spot The Signs

Give Mom That New Car Smell

family washing car for mom

In all likelihood, your special lady’s car has probably just become a trash can on wheels with all the kiddie commuting that requires snacks in the car.

If they’re anything like my toddler, they think crushing cookies and sprinkling them in the car is like spreading fairy dust.

What’s that there? Oh maybe spit up, vomit or the apple juice spill that’s attracting critters.  

Why not either take mom’s car to get detailed or go the DIY route and give it a thorough cleaning inside and out with a car wash and cleaning kit.

She’ll definitely appreciate the new car smell. 

Suck It Up and Give Mom That Family Portrait Session

One thing I really wanted was to capture every little moment of my little bugs growth and I think I’ve been pretty good about that. I think we’ve got a little over 5000 photos from his first year alone, insane.

But when I was going through those photos, what I noticed was there was only a few (maybe 20-30) of the both of us together or all of us as a family.

I always make it a point to document dada and son moments but boys aren’t always waiting with a camera in hand to catch those mommy-son moments.

The majority that I do have are selfies and those are getting harder and harder now that he walks (more like runs) and can’t sit still for more than a few minutes. 

This would be the perfect time for a family portrait session or even just asking friends or family to help you take a few family pictures together that you can look back on. 

What we’ve done is invest in a great quality digitial camera and tripod so I can take more pictures myself!

We got the Sony Alpha A6000 mirrorless camera and a portable tripod. I’m finally able to get great family photos all by myself!

I LOVE this camera because it gives you DSLR quality photos but it’s compact and lightweight because it’s mirrorless so you can actually take it with you without getting annoyed at how heavy DSLR camera are.

All you need is the camera and the free app which lets you use your phone to snap the pictures.

You can see the image on your phone before you take the picture so you know everyone is looking ahead (easier said than done with toddlers!).

Give Mom The Remote Control For The WHOLE DAY!

tv watching Netflix

At our house, it’s either Little Baby Bum or whatever boy thing my husband is watching. It’s been a while since I could just sit back, relax, binge and catch up with whatever the Kardashians are getting into these days (admit it, it’s probably your trash tv guilty pleasure too).

I don’t even remember what season we left off on or which new baby was being added. I would love one full day where I get to watch whatever I want without having to hand over the remote because somebody’s bored.

I get it, mom shows are probably boring to you but it’s one day, we do it all the time. 

Mom Wants No Whine but Maybe Some Wine

wine for mother's day

Let’s have one blissful day of no whining or fighting or arguments to break up. Let’s just pretend we’re all one big happy family and get along today.

If you insist on wining, make sure it comes in a beautiful bottle and accopanies a delicious cheese platter.

That’s the only kinda wine we’re gonna be in the mood for today.

So pick up a bottle of her favourite bubbly or wine and celebrate together. You can add this adorable wine glass for mom too!  

What Mom Really Wants This Mother’s Day

Our mamas take care of us and love us everyday without asking for anything in return because it really is a labor of love.

I’ve only come to realize and appreciate how much my mom did for me after having a little monster of my own.

Take this day to show mum how much you love her and how much she means to you.

Honor your queen every single day!

  Happy Mother’s Day Mama’s!

You are amazing!

If you’re looking for more ways to pamper mom, check out the Honey Bunny Twee blog for all kinds of self-care inspo!

Flossie McCowald

Wednesday 22nd of April 2020

Oh yesssss! How about a Mother's WEEK instead of mother's DAY so we don't have to cut any one of these ideas short, and thus instead can indulge in each one fully!

Fatima Torres

Wednesday 22nd of April 2020

I couldn't agree more on the whole peeing in peace thing. I have this issue with the kids. This Mother's Day won't be like the others, but it will be special.


Friday 17th of April 2020

Yes to all of the above! Uninterrupted me time, sleeping in, and the family photo session are my top three. Happy early mother's day!


Friday 17th of April 2020

ummm...yeah. You nailed it. I want all of these things! You can tell a mom wrote this

Cendu Param

Friday 17th of April 2020

ahahah! is it that obvious? LOL!


Friday 19th of April 2019

You're so right! These are great! I would appreciate just about everything on this list. Thanks for the laugh!