Hey you! I’m Cendu! Welcome to my little corner of the internet.
I’m an elementary school teacher turned first time mom who’s now also a blogger sharing my journey into motherhood and parenting. You’ll find all things pregnancy, motherhood and parenting as well as fun printables and worksheets for kids!
I’m married to my best friend and we have the sweetest, funniest little boy who is the love of my life. I gotta say, I love being a boy mom and I really didn’t think I would.
I grew up with sisters. I ALWAYS thought I would have daughters so it really threw me for a loop when I found out I was having a boy.
I’m certainly not perfect, far from it actually, and half the time I really have no idea what I’m doing but you know what? Sometimes it’s about the journey, not the destination.
So if you wanna watch me attempt this thing called motherhood and life, this is the place to do it. I share my stories about life as a first time mom, all kinds of mommy musings, parenting tips and tricks, fun crafts and activities and beautiful printables (that’s my new thing).
My life isn’t the perfect ones you see on Instagram and my feed isn’t all that pretty but it’s real. So if you’re looking for those beautiful insta perfect moms- that’s not me.
I want us to collaborate and share our stories (the good, the bad, and the ugly) because motherhood and life isn’t a competition.
Why not laugh a little and figure this thing out together.
Motherhood, my eyeliner, life: I’m just wingin’ it.